
the power of homeopathy to transform

Who We Are

POTENTIALITY--- n. a quality that can be developed to make someone or something better; a chance or possibility that something will happen or exist in the future.

We at POTENTIALITY are dedicated to excellence in assisting you to reach your full potential through the utilization of homeopathic medicine or through our professional homeopathic training programs.
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Dr. Falkner Speaks

Links to Homeopathic Audio and Video Recordings, and More

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Professional Trainings

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Information for New Patients and Those Interested in Homeopathy

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Offering Personal Homeopathic Medical Consultations

Those seeking the finest in personalized homeopathic treatment can schedule in-person office visits locally, or via long-distance phone/video consultations (telemedicine) from anywhere in the world. Whether in-person or remotely using innovative technology, you can feel confident that your treatment outcome will be equally positive.

Offering Professional Homeopathic Training

The Falkner School for Homeopathy offers professional homeopathic training programs, including The Objective Observer Course and clinical Master Classes, which are unique in the marketplace. The results our students achieve speak for themselves. An added benefit is that all classes in our three-year program take place via live, interactive, video webinars, from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

About Dr. Falkner

Douglas Falkner, MD, Master Homeopath

From Dr. Falkner:

“My goal is to provide both state-of-the-art homeopathic care to my patients, and to better inform and educate the public about the unparalleled benefits to health and well-being that homeopathic treatment has to offer. My allied training programs draw on time-tested, highly effective principles and practices that really work. When used properly, homeopathy will deliver the superb results you are seeking in improving health and well-being, on all levels, for yourself and your family. My professional training programs will help you realize the kind of success in practice that every student or practitioner of homeopathy longs for!”

  • Douglas Falkner, MD
    240 Orange Avenue
    Ashland, Oregon 97520

  • 541-552-1400

  • falknerhomeopathy@gmail.com


Hear From Patients and Students of Dr. Falkner -- for more testimonials click under About Dr. Falkner on the menu bar above.
Anyone that has been diagnosed with a chronic disease knows that it is scary and lonely. There is a lot of anxiety and lack of control. I felt like I was running so fast on a treadmill and couldn’t get off but when I started working with Dr. Falkner all of that changed. I looked forward to our appointments, I felt that I had control back and always felt positive. If I ever need him he is always there to help. I had the great privilege of meeting him at a seminar that he taught about a year after that call. I was so emotional because I didn’t know what to say to a man that had saved my life. He was just as amazing in person as on the phone and I learned so much from those couple days listening to him speak about homeopathy. I saw homeopaths from all over come to learn from him. Dr. Falkner is doing exactly what he was put here to do, he is such a gift to the universe and anyone that he has worked with is a better person for knowing him.
I began Dr. Doug’s first year of training in June of 2010, one year after graduating from naturopathic medical school. I have experienced a fundamental shift in my thinking, my connection to people and to remedies, my effectiveness at initial prescribing and my success in following each person as they ascend their journey to cure. Dr. Doug has skillfully and patiently opened up a confining box within my mind that no longer limits my thinking both in homeopathy and life. It has been FUN and refreshing to work on cases with this renewed spirit. I highly recommend this class for anyone who desires homeopathy to not only be an art and science but, more importantly, a soul connection.
I tried to figure out what I could possibly write in a testimonial to convey the enormity of what Dr. Falkner was able to do to heal my then six year old son from a diagnoses of pervasive developmental disability, mood disorder, anxiety, and a sensory integration problem. His difficulties were so severe his treatment plan was to hospitalize him in a pediatric inpatient psychiatric unit. Instead, I chose Dr. Falkner. What I realize is there is not a way to express what Dr. Falkner was able to do to treat my son except to share that because of his personal concern, intuition, attention to detail and incredibly wise interventions, my son has been healed. I am delighted to report that my son is a loving, well adjusted, healthy, happy high school student involved in clubs, sports and academically at the top of his class. Dr. Falkner is an amazing practitioner and I am filled with gratitude that I put my son’s life into his hands.
“I’ve realized that I have learned more from you in under a year’s time than in all the years of previous training I’ve received. I am confident that as a graduate of your school I will be able to use homeopathy to truly benefit others. My feeling is that your work as a teacher of homeopathy is not only “worthwhile”, it is a vital contribution to the field as a whole, and to the healing of our world.”

Get In Touch

Dr. Falkner is dedicated to prompt and responsive communication with all of his patients. In a time when it has become increasingly more difficult to communicate with healthcare providers outside of an office visit, Dr. Falkner prioritizes appropriate accessibility as a cornerstone of effective patient care.

You are always welcome to contact Dr. Falkner directly for scheduling an appointment
or for any inquiries by calling his office at 541-552-1400